Michigan State Fair August 28 - September 7

Photo Credit:Google Search
Grab some friends and family and head down to this year’s Michigan State Fair. As always, the Fair promises plenty of entertainment, fun, and rides for all to enjoy all day and night. General admission is $10.00 and $5.00 for children (3 -12 years old) and seniors (62 years of age and older).Children under two years are free. Parking is $7.00 per vehicle. Rides are pay one price all day and night. Rides are $22.00 Monday through Friday and $25.00 Saturday through Sunday and Labor Day. The fair is located at the corner of Eight Mile Road and Woodward Avenue in Detroit - two miles from I-75, three miles from I-696, and eight miles from I-94. Everyday free Disney movies will be shown in the Hudson Auditorium .For more information and a detailed list of events and concerts at this year’s fair, call (313)369-8250 or visit http://www.michigan.gov/mistatefair/0,1607,7-109--199217--,00.html
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