The Grand Prix Shakedown:8k Race and 1 Mile Walk

Grab those running shoes and get ready, get set…..go! The Grand Prix Shakedown:8k Race and 1 Mile Walk is here. The walk and race will take place at the scenic Belle Isle in downtown Detroit, August 25. The 1-Mile “Family Fun Walk” begins at 6p.m. while the 8K begins at 7p.m. There will be a DJ, free food and drinks, a certified USATF Course, and a chip-timed race. Participants can also enter for the chance to win two free airline tickets. Kids under the age of 12 are free. A 100% of the walk’s proceeds goes toward the program, 2-1-1 On the Go! 2-1-1 On the Go! is a program through United Way of Southeastern Michigan's 2-1-1 information and referral service that helps the homeless get off the street or out of the shelters and into full-time employment and permanent housing. For more information on the race and program, visit
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