"THIS IS IT" at Uptown Pallidum

Looking for an alternative to the usual party or haunted event this Halloween? Uptown Pallidum is offering a dinner and movie special for Michael Jackson's much anticpated film, "This Is It." Fill your stomach with a delicious,hot meal and then ease back with movie snacks to view the King of Pop's iconic dance moves and memorable songs on the big screen before his untimely death. The dinner will include baked pasta primavera with chicken, camerlized sweet potatoes,roasted autumn vegetables, mixed green salad, warm bread pudding, and much more! The dinner and movie special is October 30th and 31st at 7:00p.m. Tickets are $27 which includes the dinner, admission,and the popcorn and soda for showtime. For more information and to reserve your tickets visit http://www.uptownbirmingham8.com/ or call (248)723-6240.
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