Walk 5 Fashion Show Model & Designer Call

Attention designers and models! A model and designer casting call will be held Saturday, February 4th for the Walk 5 Fashion Show from 12p.m. to 3p.m. The casting call will be held at "Walk"'s headquarters, 4731 Grand River (4th floor), Detroit, MI 48208.
Models need to bring the following items:
*Head Shot Photo or Comp Card
*Stiletto Heels
*Skinny Jeans or Leggings
Designers need to bring the following with them:
*Samples of Garments
*Portfolio / Photos of Designs
For more information and weekly updates, visit https://twitter.com/#!/WalkFashionShow.
Comments or Events to share??? E-mail me at metrodivapages@gmail.com. Also, follow MDP on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MetroDivaPages
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