71 POP Announces Featured Pop-Up Shops

71 POP is a hip, new retail space in Midtown Detroit that's dedicated to upcoming and local designers. The retail space is several shops divided into separate and distinct shopping experiences. Within each space a Detroit artist or brand is temporarily occupying the space to present unique products. 71 POP opened 7/30 and is already announcing its September pop-up shops. The pop-up shops for September will include:
*Andrew Kopietz Photography
*Always the Forest
*Cyberoptix Tie Lab
Business hours 11:30a.m. to 7p.m. on Tuesdays and 11:30 a.m. to 5p.m. on Saturdays. These September shops are open through October 1st. For more information on these pop-up shops and 71 POP, visit http://71pop.com/. Also follow them on Twitter!
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