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BLACKsummernight by Maxwell

After 8 years, Maxwell returns with his soulful and beautiful new album, BLACKsummernight. The first single, Pretty Wings is light, laid back, and classic Maxwell. The album is available everywhere music is sold.
1. Bad Habits
2. Cold
3. Pretty Wings
4. Help Somebody
5. Stop the World
6. Love You
7. Fistful of Tears
8. Playing Possum
9. Phoenix Rise
2. Cold
3. Pretty Wings
4. Help Somebody
5. Stop the World
6. Love You
7. Fistful of Tears
8. Playing Possum
9. Phoenix Rise
Best Buy $12.99, $9.99 iTunes
Dancing with the Devil by Mark Curry
Rapper and former Bad Boy label artist, Mark Curry doesn't hold back on in his book "Dancing with the Devil" in which he fully discusses evrythign that went on behind the scenes of the label and the music industury.

Remember the obscure yet comical Borat? Well he's nothing compare to Bruno. Sacha Baron Cohen returns with another out memorable ,comical character named Bruno. Bruno is fahsio reporter that's sure to keep you laughing. The Bruno film is in theaters now.
Comments or Questions??? E-mail me at metrodivapages@gmail.com
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