Rosa Parks has always been an inspiration to me for her bravery and courage. On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama. She was arrested and released later that evening. During this time, segregation was a major part of life but Parks would not stand for it and didn't feel she had to give up her seat. This single act by Parks lead to the city-wide, Montgomery Bus Boycott, a major and influential movement in America's civil rights. AFterhardhsip in Montgomery, she would eventually move on to Detroit, Michigan to build a new life as a secretary and receptionist in John Conyers' congressional office. Rosa Parks leaves a legacy as being known as the "Mother of Freedom" and will forever be remembered for taking a stand that inspired a movement of change in civil rights in American history.
Photo Credit: Google Images Search |
Photo Credit: Google Images Search |
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